What I'm Doing Now:
2020 = Clear Vision 👁
As Winter transitions to Spring in Vancouver BC, the shifts are powerful, and profound.
From shoots sprouting along the forest floor, to birds singing more and more, the Sun is warming the clouds away bit by bit, and I love soaking as much of every ray into my eyes and my skin as possible :-)
Drink up the Sun, for Light is the key to Life. ☀️
Some incredible synchronicities that began before last year came to a close have been amplifying, and boy has it been a wild and wonderful ride!
While reconnecting with a friend of over 10yrs, he flew me out to Toronto to spend some quality time together catching up, showing me the 70,000+ sq ft GMP certified facility he and his team have built.
Being an uber geek for health, biohacking, and so much more, this was such a wonderful adventure, such a gift, and along the way, he shared his mission with me, which I resonate with greatly.
He's on a mission to help 10 million people level up their health with the super nutrients (and other "Life Enhancing Resources") he's been hunting and collecting and producing from all corners of the globe... in 2100 days!
That mission goes far beyond just supplements and superfoods, though that's a big part considering that's his primary business, which is a vehicle for connecting and supporting people in staying healthy, vital, and strong, living life to the fullest.
He's basically the Indiana Jones of the superfood world, and he has fantastic taste in the highest leverage nutrients and base elements to support optimal human health and biological function.
I've been using his products for longer than I've had the pleasure of knowing him, and they've been some of the most useful in my Biohacking toolkit since the first day I tried them.
And he's all about Activating more than just optimal health. His wisdom runs deep, and his passion and commitment are unwavering.
Considering one of my personal key frameworks I choose to live by is what I call the PMI Framework, our visions for better health, happier humans, and much more love and leveling up all around supporting each other align perfectly!
PMI stands for Positive Measurable Impact.
It's a framework, a mindset if you will... a lens to look out at the world through... that I developed building one of my past companies.
It's partly a question I ask myself every day I wake up, and that I reflect on every night I go to sleep.
"How will my efforts make a Positive Measurable Impact in the lives of a Billion people?"
Some days, it's just one person or two.
Other days, it's thousands, or tens of thousands, or even millions, as it was during the time my team and I were building that company and getting over 2 million unique people visiting our blog.
In business there are numbers and metrics that are important to track. Which we do.
But, I noticed I, and others on my team, are much more driven by the real world results we are helping our community, our clients, and our customers achieve.
From total pounds of excess weight released, to how many people reported their doctors took them off insulin medication because their health was improving so dramatically...
... to families cooking together...
... training together...
... and enjoying a quality of life unlike they ever imagined possible before getting serious about their health and wellbeing.
Those metrics move you at the core of your being.
They are what I lovingly referring to as "Humanized Metrics". Much different than just another number in a spreadsheet, or lines on a chart.
I love teaching, coaching, and sharing useful resources with others interested, and willing to do what it takes to achieve their goals in health, fitness, and life.
It's not always easy, and that's part of the journey.
A great quote that's stuck with me over many years sums this up nicely:
"Life's easy when you live it the hard way, and hard when you live it the easy way."
Very true for optimizing health and fitness. Biohacking is pretty hard some days!
It's not always easy, and that's ok.
Every action you take, every choice you make, if it's in your best interest and on the track of what you define as optimal for you, and gets you to achieving your desired outcomes in life, then it's SO worth it!
The PMI framework was greatly inspired by hearing from others how making some of the hard choices, like eating real organic food instead of junk food and the S.A.D. diet for example.
It lights me up when someone sends me a message sharing how a book I shared, or a supplement I told them about, or a Biohacking technology I connected them with, made a Positive Measurable Impact in their life :-)
So with that said, paying attention to the signs and synchronicities, the connection and alignment of passions and missions impossible for us to ignore, I chose to partner up with my good friend, and someone I consider a mentor...
And we are working together powerfully to make a Positive Measurable Impact in the lives of 10 million people, in 2100 days.
We're up to some very exciting things right now behind the scenes, and I will be sharing more on these developments when the time is right.
Much more to share on this front soon...